This week I chose The Martian by Andy Weir. I was very excited to read The Martian because I was curious how the book is different from the movie version. I enjoyed watching the movie version about four years ago, I thought this is a great opportunity to revisit the story in book format. The biggest difference is that the novel is presented in the form of Mark's task log. For each problem to be solved, multiple backup solutions are proposed but are eliminated one by one, then they come up with the final solutions. On the other hand, the movie can only show the final solution directly, and the process of brainstorming is completely ignored.
I have to admire the outstanding writing skills of the author. It was a quality science fiction novel that is not hard to read at all. However, to read it carefully and fully understand the science and the reasons for their actions is a little bit hard. Plus, it was so realistic that I was a little nervous the whole time because I thought I might misunderstand something and ruined the story.
I can only vaguely describe it as a great reading experience that is truly unique. I am a girl who does not really like to read science fiction, but this is a great novel for me because the book is short, but the plot is very winding and exciting. This makes the reading exciting. The last few pages solve the question I have been wondering. Why did everyone try so hard and try their best and went through so much trouble to save Mark? Maybe the ending is a little bit vague, but when I read it a couple times, I think this is called the sublimation of simplicity.
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